Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

Our clinic is in the Gawler Sleep Clinic building, 27b Adelaide Road Gawler, by appointment only, please.

How do I make an appointment?

You can use the Book an Appointment button on the website, or on the Facebook page, or call 0431325326

Do I have to remove clothing for a treatment?

Treatment can be done fully clothed, but generally most effective with no more than one layer of clothing. Ideally, loose comfortable clothing such as track pants and T shirt is best.

Is Emmett Technique like Reiki? Or Bowen Therapy? Or Trigger Point therapy? Or Kinesiology? Or any other therapy?

No. Emmett Technique is a unique therapy, using light touch on specific points to initiate change in muscle tension directly via the nervous system.

What do you charge?

Clinic sessions are currently $70, cash or card.

How long is a clinic session?

Times will vary depending on what issues present, however a half hour is usually plenty of time.

Do I need recovery time after an Emmett treatment?

We recommend 3 Ws: water, walk and wait. Muscles which have been released need hydration, and gentle movement. And just because you feel like you can run a marathon, it doesn’t mean you should. Just yet.